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If I Show You Mine, Will You Show Me Yours?
14 – 15 February 2025
Part of Into the New 2025
Contemporary Music And Performance
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by Bee McQueen
Composer: Eli Morrison
I’ve worn a mask so long that I forget it’s not my face.
What’s your favourite emotion to feel?
My head is now soothed being detached from my shoulders.
What lesson will you never forget?
I am accustomed to feeling alien on this planet
What makes you want to escape?
And finding solace among the stars.
Uhm…this might be poetry. Or a crazy podcast. Or something else entirely.
I will be… asking and answering questions and talking…a lot. I’m sick of being misunderstood. This performance is an invitation for connection, for an intimate and honest exchange. It explores – or maybe exposes – neurodivergent tensions between shame, isolation, and belonging. Small talk is sacrificed for the greater good. Let it die.
If I Show You Mine, Will You Show Me Yours? is a live-art participatory performance, immersing its audience in the chaos of an ADHD brain.
Bee McQueen (she/her) is a neuroqueer performance artist working at the intersection of autobiography, participatory performance, crip performance, live art, and poetry. She enjoys interrogating emotional and spiritual landscapes, with a particular interest in what is hidden or unsaid. ‘Waz Here’ by Bee was a recent live art, participatory performance that aimed to honour and preserve the sanctity of bathroom wall vandalism within a performance installation context, using her body as an extension of the wall. Bee creates work that challenges neuro-normative modes of thinking, perceiving, behaving, and relating. Her socio-centric practice engages in youth-work, facilitation, and collaborative performance making.
Image by the artist.
CCA: Centre for Contemporary Arts
Runtime: 30 mins
Price: £4 – £5
Age restrictions: 16+
Contains strobe lighting, haze and participatory elements.
Balloons given as an alternate route to experiencing sound (through vibration). Wheelchair accessible.