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Per pencil drawing of wavy lines with a house inside.
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Fields of Performance: In an upstairs room

Part of Fields of Performance

Contemporary Music And Performance

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Kate Bradley

“I laid on the blue carpet of my dad’s messy study, and beneath Rembrandt’s paintings, I fell through the oceans, and arrived in the belly of God. God’s liver was purple, and if I were to cut it open with a knife, I would find all the awful things I have ever thought.”

In the late 70’s, Reid Hall ceased to be a Methodist Church, but still carries with it clear imprints of its past.

The room I slept in as a child rested above my dad’s study, where he as a Methodist minister prayed, wrote, and met with people. I cannot return to this room. It has been painted over, it no longer exists, but the creaks of my floorboards seeped into sermons, and rhythms of hymns accompanied my growing bones.

in an upstairs room is a meeting point between autobiographical and site-specific work, digging its fingers into the messy, layered, and unravelling histories of Reid Hall and I.

Content Warnings:
Explicit language
References to religion

This is recommended for an audience of 13+

Image Credit: Kate Bradley