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Students' Union

Welcome to the RCS Students’ Union

RCS Students’ Union is the lively, colourful heart of the student experience at the Conservatoire and the great thing is every student is automatically a member. Whether it’s helping you get settled into this exciting chapter of your life or making events to celebrate diversity within the Conservatoire – the SU is all about benefiting you as a student. 

Visit the RCS Student Union’s dedicated website

How We Support You

A group of people are gathered in a theatre. They are watching another group of people on-stage.

We’re Here From The Beginning

  • We’ll be on hand to help you move into Base Glasgow on “move-in weekend” starting on Saturday 21st September 2024. 
  • Showing you the famous nightlife and scenery that Glasgow & Scotland has to offer during Fresher’s Week 
  • Helping you make friends during Freshers’ week by organising lots of different social events 
  • Being there as you take a leap into this new part of your life 
Students sitting on the RCS steps.

During Your Studies

  • We’re right here, our office is located at the entrance of the Renfrew St building, feel free to come in any time! 
  • Working with staff across the Conservatoire to improve your education and student life as a whole 
  • Working with the National Union of Students, Association of European Conservatoire’s Student Group and Conservatoire UK Student Network to amplify your voice nationally and internationally 
  • Being an informal ear when you’re facing challenges, from homesickness and financial hardship to academic difficulties and mental health problems
Students dancing at a party.

Coming Together

  • Celebrating through ceilidhs, balls, quizzes, movie nights, nights out (and in), etc. 
  • Helping you join and create societies so you can meet people like you 
  • Building links with nearby universities to facilitate exciting multidisciplinary collaborations 
  • Organising General Assemblies for all students to hear from us, ask us questions, propose improvements, raise anything they’d like to raise, etc. 

Student Representatives 2023-24

Student reps are here to represent you and relay the feedback or issues you bring to the appropriate staff member. Please bear in mind that you can also always approach the Students’ Union, your Head of Department/Programme, or any other staff member at any time if you need help. 

There are two types of student reps: Programme reps and SU reps. 

There is one (or two in some cases) Programme rep for each year group in each programme across the Conservatoire. They attend the termly Programme Committee meetings along with their Head of Programme and other staff members to raise issues, give feedback, propose improvements, and participate in discussions relevant to their programmes. A list of our student Programme Reps for 2023-2024 can be found on the SU Website

SU reps attend the monthly Student Union Council Meetings, where they hear an update from the SU Executive (comprised of the President, Vice President and four SU Officers). The SU Reps then give their update about the discipline they represent (what has been going well, not so well, issues that may have arisen, etc.). SU Council members make decisions together on important matters, such as constitutional changes (the Constitution is the text which describes how the SU functions), Freshers’ Week, Summer Ball, etc. 

SU Reps 2023-24

SU Officers 2023-24

The RCS SU Team is committed to ensure all RCS students feel equally valued and included regardless of their sex, (dis)ability, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or any other distinguishing characteristic. 

We believe in the power and value of transparent communication and honest — but sensitive and empathetic — dialogue, along with the spaces and outlooks which make them possible. For this reason, the SU and its Associations organise events throughout the year to celebrate the richness of our diversity and help you connect with people who are like you. Because our community is an incredibly diverse one, and we believe that, far from dividing us, this diversity unites us and makes us grow, both as humans and as artists. It deepens our understanding of each other, of what it means to be ourselves, to be others. It opens our mind to new horizons, our creativity to new inspirations, and contributes to art being the most universal language, making it one of the most powerful tools to overcome our differences. Yes, here in RCS, we will help you connect with people who are like you, but perhaps our ultimate goal is to help you connect with those who actually aren’t like you. 

The SU President, Vice President, and EDI Officer all attend the termly EDI Open Forums to ensure all students are represented and propose improvements to EDI-related matters in RCS. Please note that all students are welcome to attend the Forums. If you’d like to attend, simply contact The SU Team also works with staff and students throughout the year to ensure works of underrepresented artists are celebrated and given the space they deserve.

We will not tolerate*: 

  • Ableism  
  • Homophobia  
  • Transphobia, including intentional use of incorrect pronouns 
  • Islamophobia, antisemitism, and hate or disrespect of any religion  
  • Racism  
  • Sexism, including any form of sexual harassment and gender-based violence 

We currently have the following Associations: 

  • Asian Association 
  • Black Union 
  • Christian Union 
  • Disability Committee 
  • LatinX Association 
  • LGBTQ+ Association 
  • Trans Union 

More info on our website. 

If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions about this statement, please don’t hesitate to contact our EDI Officer Anna at or our Vice President Ulysse at 

*Non-exhaustive list

Get In Touch

For more information, visit our website!

Get in touch via email:

President: Ken Fairbrother,
Vice-President: Ulysse Tonnelé-Verjus,

RCS students dance at a ceilidh.