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Study Exchange

We encourage all students to spend time studying abroad as part of their degree programme.

If you are interested in applying for a study exchange, you should attempt to attend one of the promotional presentations held each autumn. Details are emailed directly to students. You should also read the Study Exchanges (Turing Scheme) page on the student portal.  You can apply to a maximum of four of our partners which can be found on the partner list.

It opened my eyes to a new way of living and attitude. It changed my outlook on music and helped me to view it in a global, holistic context. It gave me an opportunity to learn a new language, meet many different students from around the world and experience different ways of learning. Living away from my home country has challenged me to be more open-minded, independent, tolerant and self-aware

— Robyn Stapleton, BA (Hons) Scottish Music (Erasmus exchange student at the University of Limerick 2011/12)

Application Process

If you want to go on a study exchange (or work placement) to one of our partners overseas, there is a 3-step process:

  1. Complete the notification of interest form, listing your partner choices, by the end of December via the student portal
  2. Await to hear whether approval to apply for a place on a study exchange has been granted by your RCS Head of Department/Head of Programme (HoD/HoP)
  3. If you have been granted approval from the appropriate Head, you will be invited to apply to your chosen partner(s) via the EASY system or another method.  You will be instructed on which method to use, and by when, by the International and Student Experience team

You are likely to need to prepare the following as part of your application to partners:

  • Online application form (via EASY or a system designated by the institution you’re applying to – guidance will be given by the International and Student Experience team)
  • A Learning Agreement (this is different from a Learning Agreement for students with a disability).  It outlines the modules you’ll take on study exchange and its content must be agreed upon before departure abroad. You, your host institution coordinator and your Head of Programme at the Conservatoire should all agree to your proposed Learning Agreement. Any changes made on arrival at your host institution should be exceptional
  • Copies of a transcript of records from previous years’ study (available via your student contract).  If you are applying for exchange whilst in year one of your programme you won’t have a transcript yet and you can ignore this requirement
  • E-recordings or a portfolio of work (normally 2 or 3 contrasting pieces for music students, maximum 15 minutes duration)
  • Letter of motivation
  • CV
  • Reference(s)

All of the above should be prepared before the end of February to allow for the variety of partner application deadlines.

Further Information

The Conservatoire does not permit full-year outbound exchanges and you will only be able to participate for part of a year (either term one or terms two and three).

You should meet with your Head of Programme to discuss and complete your Learning Agreement.

  • For BEd (Hons) Music students: Heather McMillan
  • For BMus (Hons) students: Steve Halfyard
  • For Masters students in the School of Music: Simon van der Walt
  • For BMus Traditional Music students: Josh Dickson
  • Students in the School of Drama, Dance Production and Film should discuss their exchange with their Programme Leader, who should also assist in completing the Learning Agreement and providing signatures.

The Royal Conservatoire International and Student Experience team will contact you with the outcome of your application and provide you with any relevant documentation as soon as possible. Our European partner institutions typically make their offers before the end of the academic year in June, others will be earlier, and some will be later. Please note that all applications and correspondence will be through the International and Student Experience team, therefore please check your email account regularly.

Please let the International and Student Experience team know immediately if any of your personal or contact details change.

Data Protection

The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland has published a number of documents to support good data protection practices and to comply with current Data Protection laws. Please view our Policy and Privacy pages.