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Audition Fee Waiver Form

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Royal Conservatoire of Scotland - Audition Fee Waiver Form

If you are in receipt of free school meals and have marked this on your UCAS application then you are not required to fill out this form as your audition fees will be waived via UCAS.

The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland is committed to ensuring fair access to a conservatoire education for students who have the talent and potential to benefit from it, regardless of their background. In support of this, audition fee waivers are offered to applicants whom financial hardship may be a barrier to auditioning. To request a waiver, please complete the questions below and attach the relevant supporting documentary evidence.
Please note, you can only request a fee waiver once you have already applied through UCAS. Please do not fill out this form if you have not applied on UCAS.


You must be:
  • Applying for an undergraduate degree (ie BMus, BEd or BA)
  • Ordinarily resident in the UK (i.e. not just here for the purpose of education)
In addition, you must meet ONE of the following criteria:
  • Scottish domiciled applicants who live in the postcode area in the lowest quintile of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD 1). To check if you are eligible, please use this tool

  • You/your household are in receipt of one or more of the following:
    • Income-based Jobseeker Allowance
    • Income Support
    • Housing Benefit
    • Council Tax support (not just the single person reduction)
    • Income-based Employment Support Allowance
    • Personal Independence Payments (PIPs)
    • Pension Credit (guaranteed element only) with an award notice showing annual gross household income of less than £25,000
    • Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit or Universal Credit with an award notice showing annual gross household income of less than £25,000
    • Full-time carers allowance
  • You are care experienced. You are deemed care experienced if you are, or have ever been:
    • Looked after at home whilst subject to a supervision order from a Children’s Panel
    • In kinship care, ie you have not been able to be cared for by your birth parents for short or long periods of time and you have been looked after by a close relative such as an older sibling, grandparent, aunt or uncle
    • In foster care for any period
    • Living in residential care where you live with a group or other young people and are looked after by paid Local Authority staff
    • Living in secure care
  • You are estranged from your family.
Applications are made through UCAS Conservatoires and are subject to a £28.50 application charge. This is retained by UCAS and cannot be waived.
If you are in receipt of free school meals then you are not required to fill out this form. If you are not in receipt of free school meals but still meet any of the criteria above, then we encourage you to apply for an audition fee waiver.
Please complete the questions below and attach the relevant supporting documentary evidence (examples of what evidence to provide are listed below).


Please add in your UCAS ID number, this must match your UCAS application. Please note that you MUST apply on UCAS before you can submit a fee waiver request.
Please tell us what programme you are applying for
I confirm that I ordinarily am a resident in the UK(Required)
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 10 MB.
    Examples of acceptable documents to prove you meet one of the above criteria:
    • SIMD 1 applicants – letter confirming current address such as bank statement, a utility bill, credit or store card statement or correspondence from a statutory body. The letter should be dated within the last 3 months.
    • Documentary evidence of that you are receipt of certain UK government benefits (as listed above). Should be dated within the last year.
    • Care Experienced and estranged applicants – A letter confirming from a professional person. A professional person can be someone from the local authority by whom you were looked after, social worker, doctor, nurse, lawyer, college/university student adviser, teacher, nursery teacher, notary, public counsellor, police officer, minister or religion or family mediation worker.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.