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You, Your Audition, and What Happens Now

You’ve submitted your audition recording and want to know what happens next. Read on as we answer some of the most common questions we receive including: how do I know the outcome of my audition? When will I hear from the RCS? How do I make a decision?

When will I hear and what does it mean?

Our audition recording review period starts in October and ends after interviews in December. Please note, not all applicants will be required to attend an interview; if you’re required to attend one of these, we will be in touch directly.

Once all of the decisions are made we aim to have your outcome to you before the winter break. This is communicated via UCAS Conservatoire Track so make sure you keep a record of your log-in details. You will normally receive notification that something has changed in your application via email from UCAS Conservatoires directly.

There are three main outcomes: offer, reserve and unsuccessful.

If you are offered a place or placed in our reserve pool, these outcomes will either be unconditional or conditional. A ‘conditional outcome’ means that we are still waiting on something from you. This could be something like evidence of academic results from school or university, an outstanding reference, or it could be that we require you to take an English language test.

Depending on whether you have a conditional outcome or are asked to take an English language test, you will have different deadlines to fulfil these conditions by, which will also be communicated to you via UCAS Conservatoire Track.

Once you have successfully satisfied your conditions, your outcome will change from conditional to unconditional. Satisfying your conditions for a reserve offer does not mean that you would be granted a place on the programme but it does mean that if you were to be upgraded from reserve to offer, then your offer would be unconditional.

On the Bench – What Does Reserve Actually Mean?

Being placed in our reserve pool doesn’t mean that we don’t want you. It means that we would like to place you in our pool of reserves and then reconsider your application as and when places become available.

It’s hard to know what the chances are of you being upgraded to an offer, as this does vary year on year and is very dependent on individual circumstances. If you wish to remain in our reserve pool, you must accept this on UCAS Conservatoires Track, and if someone declines or withdraws their offer for whatever reason, the panel will revisit your application.

The latest an applicant can remain on reserve is the end of August. An analogy could be that it is like being a reserve for a football match … you are good enough and we know you would make invaluable contributions to the team. But we can only have so many players on the field at one time, so in this instance, you are on the bench for the time being.

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Use your time before your reply date to find out more about the Conservatoire, the course and living in Glasgow.

We know that this is a life-changing decision. Take your time weighing up all of your options. We recommend coming and visiting the Conservatoire at one of our many Open Days held each year, where you can really get a sense of what life is like studying at RCS.

If an in-person visit is not possible, we are still able to help virtually. You could attend our online events which allow you to meet the staff and students as well as ask questions to department staff. We’ll be in touch with you as these events take place. Keep in touch with us via social media too – we have lots of concerts and masterclasses to share which will give you a taste of student life at the RCS.

Our Student Recruitment team also visits several admissions events throughout the year and across the world. Details of when and where these admission events are taking place can be found on our website, along with dates for our Open Days and online events.

Our website also has a wealth of information about studying at the Conservatoire and living in Glasgow so do take your time to look over it. We also know that you will have many questions and there is no such thing as a daft question! Email us at if you still have further questions.

If you are offered a place, some departments offer consultation lessons which we can help arrange. We will be in touch about those opportunities as they vary department to department.

Right to Reply

You can only reply to offers and reserve outcomes once you hear back from all course choices. To reply, you need to log into UCAS Conservatoires Track and make your choices. If you want to accept us as your first choice, mark your reply as ‘1’. Your reply date should be displayed on track. Make sure you reply by the date given or your offer or reserve outcome will be declined automatically. Your reply date may be different to your friends so don’t worry about that; it is based on when you receive your last decision.


If you accept our offer, we will be in touch towards the end of April with induction information and this includes information about term dates and fees. If you do have any questions, please do get in touch with us at