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Professor Stephen Broad

Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange

Professor Stephen Broad is an islander in exile, researcher, teacher, community conductor and occasional broadcaster. He studied at the Music School of Douglas Academy (Piano with Anne Crawford and composition with William Sweeney) and then at the University of Glasgow, where he won prizes in music and physics. He undertook a DPhil in Historical Musicology at Worcester College, Oxford with the late Robert Sherlaw Johnson and with Annegret Fauser, and is Head of Research and Knowledge Exchange at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.

Stephen’s research interests lie in three broad areas:

Historical musicology, especially Olivier Messiaen, his early career and writings; music and ideas in 1930s Paris; mythologies in biography and autobiography; and problems of music history.

Music education, especially music learning and teaching in diverse contexts

Music practice in Scotland, especially research applied to support development and policy, but also contemporary music in Scotland.

Stephen has served on the committees of various conferences, including the Messiaen 2008 International Centenary Conference, held in Birmingham in June 2008, and is on the editorial boards of Music Education Research and of a forthcoming journal on practice-based research to be published by the Norwegian Academy of Music in association with MIDAS.

He was co-author of What’s Going On?, the report that initiated the Scottish Arts Council’s Youth Music Initiative, which has disbursed nearly £50m to music since its inception in 2003. He has also worked in various research consultancy, quality assurance and development roles for local authorities and arts organisations.

Stephen worked as a part-time instructor for Community Education, Strathclyde from 1994 until 1997, and continues to take an active part in community music.

Selected Publications and Conference Papers

Forthcoming (with Mary Hunter) ‘Reflection and the Classical Musician: Practice in Cultural Context’ in Musicians in the Making ed. John Rink and Helena Gaunt (Oxford University Press: Oxford).

2015 Musical Instrument Fund: The Scottish Government’s £1million investment in musical instruments (unpublished).

2015 (with Celia Duffy) ‘Practising Research, Playing With Knowledge’ in Practice as Research in Music ed. Mine Dogantan Dack (Ashgate: Aldershot), 33-51.

2015 (with Nic Beech et al.) ‘Developments in Organisation Theory and Organising Music’ in Organising Music ed. Nic Beech and Charlotte Gilmour (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge), 1-24.

2015 (with Jeremy Cox et al.) Perspectives on 2nd-Cycle programmes in Higher Music Education: combining a research orientation with professional relevance (Association Européenne des Conservatoires: Brussels).

2013 ‘Messiaen and art sacré‘ in Messiaen Perspectives 1: Sources and Influences ed. Christopher Dingle and Robert Fallon (Ashgate: Aldershot), 269-278.

2013 ‘Messiaen and the French Organ Tradition’ in Olivier Messiaen und die “französische Tradition” ed. Stefan Keym and Peter Jost (Verlag Dohr: Cologne), 23-46.

2012 (with John O’Flynn) Music Education Research Special Issue: Current Issues in Higher Music Education Vol. 14 No. 1 (March 2012). Click here for full contents.

2012 Olivier Messiaen: Journalism 1935- 1939 (Ashgate: Aldershot)

2010 ‘Style in Performance’ in Research-Teaching Linkages: Enhancing Graduate Attributes – Creative and Cultural Practice ed. Ken Neil (QAA Scotland: Glasgow), 11-17.

2009 [Review of Messiaen Studies ed. Robert Sholl] in Music and Letters Vol. 90 No. 2 (May 2009), 313-315.

Substantially revised version of 2005 paper of similar name. Paper presented to Messiaen 2008 International Centenary Conference, June 2008; Glasgow University Research Colloquium Series, November 2008, Institute for Theology in the Arts, St Andrews University, November 2008; and as an invited paper at Olivier Messiaen und die französische Tradition , Munich, December 2008].
2008 ‘Interpreting Messiaen’s Reception of Milhaud’ in Wiener Jahrbuch für Jüdische Geschichte Kultur & Museumswesen: Musik & Widerstand ed. Michael Haas (Wien: Jüdisches Museum der Stadt Wien, 2008), 58-67.

2007 ”Messiaen: Poetics, Polemics and Politics’ in Scottish Music Review Vol. 1 No. 1 (29 November 2007), 83-98.

2007 ”Purification by Fire: The Commissions of the Scottish International Piano Competition’ in Current Issues in Music Vol. 1 (2007), 25-36.

2007 (with Celia Duffy and Rachel Gardiner) A Sound Investment: Workforce Development in Music Education (Edinburgh: Scottish Arts Council, 2007). Click hereto read

2007 ”˜Messiaen and Cocteau’ in Olivier Messiaen: Music, Art and Literature eds. Nigel Simeone and Christopher Dingle (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), 1-12.

2006 ”Practice-based Research at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama’ in Konstnarlig forskning: Artiklar, Prjektrapporter & Reportage ed. Torbjorn Lind (Stockholm: Swedish Research Council, 2005), 17-25.

2006 ”Interpreting Messiaen’s Reception of Milhaud’ [Paper presented to Music and Resistance University of Salzburg, April 2006].

2005 (with Jacqueline France) 25 bliadhna de na Faisean. The Participants’ Story: Attitudinal research on the Fais movement in Scotland (Edinburgh: Scottish Arts Council, 2005).

2005 ”Messiaen and modern art sacré’ [Paper presented to Fourth Biennial International Conference on Twentieth-century Music, University of Sussex, August 2005].

2004 ”Messiaen the journalist, and his engagement in the politics of 1930s Paris’ [Paper presented to Music in France 1830-1949, University of Melbourne, July 2004].

2003 (with Celia Duffy and David Price) What’s Going On? A National Audit of Youth Music in Scotland (Edinburgh: Scottish Arts Council, 2003). Click here to read

2002 ”Le Coq et l’Arlequin: Messiaen’s counter-attack’ [Paper presented to Royal Musical Association, Glasgow, November 2002].

2002 ”Olivier Messiaen Journalist’ [Paper presented to Messiaen 2002 International Conference].

2000 ”Messiaen and Mocquereau Rhythmicians’ [Paper presented to RMA Research Students’ Conference, Huddersfield, January 2000.]