Height: 6’4”
Playing Age Range: 18 – 28
Nationality: British
Equity Number: 00503593
Scholarships/Awards: RCS Trust Scholarship
Singing: Baritone-High*, Sight Singing, Musical Theatre*, Classical, Rock, Pop
Music: Alto Saxophone (Grade 8)*, Guitar, Drums
Dance: Jazz*, Ballet, Contemporary
Accents: Estuary English*, New York, American Southern, General American, Cockney, RP, Heightened RP, MLE, Northern, Australian
Previous Qualifications:
Trained at The BRIT School in Musical Theatre for 4 years
* Denotes high proficiency or native accent
Work Experience:
Featured Ensemble, Sweet Charity, RCS (dir. Alexandra Spencer-Jones)
Officer Lockstock, Urinetown, RCS (dir. Oliver Lidert)
Wolf / Assistant Director, Into the Woods, RCS (dir. Louise Shephard)
Hamlet, To Dream a Dream (Workshop), RCS (dir. Daniel Cameron)
George, Sunday in the Park with George (Workshop), RCS (dir. Tom Cooper)
Jamie, The Last 5 Years, The BRIT School (dir. Rob Holt)
Upcoming Work:
Storykeeper, Once Upon a Time, Big Adventure Productions (dir. Ian McFarlane)
Upcoming New Musical Tour


Into the Woods