Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
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Equality and Diversity are of central importance to our working ethos. Performance is our purpose at the Royal Conservatoire and the nurturing and development of the individual creative potential inherent in each member of our community, staff and students alike, lies at the very heart of our efforts. In turn, this means that the unique identity of every single individual who works or studies here is valid and is valued and respected.
The key place where issues are discussed is the Equality and Diversity Forum. This group has staff and student members and aims to be representative of the institution’s diversity.
If you would like to participate in the forum as a staff or student representative, contact Roz Caplan, our dedicated Equality and Diversity Officer, by email at r.caplan@rcs.ac.uk

Our Commitment to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
We welcome a diverse population of staff and students. Further, we are committed to promoting equality in all of our activities and we aim to provide a performing, learning, teaching, working and research environment free from unlawful discrimination against applicants, staff and students on the grounds of gender (actual or perceived), sexual orientation, disability, race, colour, nationality, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age and actual or perceived religious or similar belief.
The Conservatoire fosters a learning, teaching, research and working culture which not only supports diversity, inclusion and equity but indeed requires those principles. We are thoroughly committed to the promotion of equal opportunities across all of our functions and practices including those of learning and teaching, employment, representation, decision-making, and procurement and partnerships.
Our Equality and Diversity Forum consists of students and staff from across the institution. This forum is active, is honest and it has an impact. It represents our genuine commitment to this key aspect of our community and its daily life.
Whoever you are, however, you identify yourself, if you work or study with us, your identity is respected. We hope that in this part of our website, you will find the information you need. If you do not, we welcome your feedback and comments.
Useful Links
- Download the Equality and Diversity Annual Report
- View our EDI Policies
- Read our updated Trans & Gender Diversity Policy and Procedure for trans, non-binary and gender-fluid students and staff
- Read our case study on embedding equality and diversity into our undergraduate curriculum
Equality Act 2010: Beyond Compliance
We are committed to going beyond compliance and promoting equality and diversity in everything that we do, ensuring that we have the systems and processes, for staff and students, to underpin that commitment.
Mainstreaming Equality Report 2023
This Report lays out our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, how we proactively demonstrate this commitment within all of our activities and celebrates some of our successful initiatives. It also provides some key data about our staff, students and governors. You can also read the Mainstreaming Equality Report 2021.
Our Equality Outcomes demonstrate our optimism and commitment to continue to ensure that arts education is accessible to all, for the benefit of all.
They present our key equality, diversity and inclusion priorities for the next four years, based on evidence gathered from within our institution, the UK higher education sector and from wider society.
This document presents our key equality, diversity and inclusion priorities for 2021-2025, together with an interim review of how we are performing against our objectives halfway through the lifespan of the document.
Gender Action Plan
Our Gender Action Plan provides details on our commitment to ensuring and maintaining an appropriate gender balance within all of our subjects, in accordance with the ambitions of the Scottish Funding Council (SFC).
We also list how we intend to continue promoting gender equality for our staff, board members and for students on all of our programmes.
We are currently updating the action plan and it will be available to view here soon. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Menstrual Health Products (Free Provision)
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland’s Statement on its Exercise of Functions in support of menstrual* health (Free Provision) Scotland Act 2021
Our statement on RCS’ Exercise of Functions in Support of Menstrual Health (Free Provision) Scotland Act details our commitment to providing menstrual health products free of charge to all students who menstruate. A range of products and details for online ordering can be accessed in toilets across both our Renfrew Street campus and Wallace Studios.
*We are using the term menstruation/ menstrual health instead of period in accordance with recommendations of the World Health Organisation statement on menstrual health and rights, June 2022
Anti-Racism Action Plan
The Anti-Racism Action Plan and the Anti-Racism Action Plan Appendix were published in August 2020 and show key activities undertaken in a journey towards RCS being a more equitable and just community of students and staff. This work and the lessons learned are embedded in the values and goals of the Strategic Plan for 2030.
Important Information
The RCS Anti-Racism Action Plan (ARAP) was created in 2020 and shows some key activities undertaken in our journey towards being a more equitable and just community of students and staff. RCS is launching a new institutional Strategic Plan taking us through 2030. As part of this, we will be reflecting on lessons learned, as well as how we develop further in a way that is embedded fully in our values and goals. The new Strategic Plan will be published soon. Until then this ARAP remains an active point of reference.
Anti-Racism Action Plan – January 2022
Anti-Racism Action Plan – September 2021
Anti-Racism Action Plan – June 2021
Equal Pay Statement & Review
Our Equal Pay Review provides data on the comparative earnings of our staff by gender, race and disability. It also provides statistics about occupational segregation, together with information on how we intend to address our existing pay gaps.
Our commitment to ensuring that all of our staff are paid fairly for the work that they do is contained within our Equal Pay Statement at the front of the Equal Pay Review document.
Equality Impact Assessments
Equality Impact Assessments
We are committed to fair and transparent practices. Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process of looking at how we work to see if there are any negative impacts on people from different groups. An EIA is required when reviewing or developing new policies or where a change to practice may
potentially discriminate against people from a protected characteristic background.
Human Resources Policies
- Absence Management
- Acceptance of Gifts and Hospitality Policy
- Access to Work Policy
- Adverse Weather Conditions
- Charitable Giving Policy
- Dignity at Work and Study Policy
- Dismissal and Disciplinary Policy
- Email Etiquette Guidelines
- Fixed Term Workers Policy
- Induction Review Period
- Guidelines for Undertaking Reviews
- Leave and Staff Cover Guidelines
- Performance Improvement Policy
- Prevention of Illegal Working
- Recognition and Reward Policy
- Recruitment Selection Policy
- Smoking Policy
- Staff Development
- Stress Management Policy
- Support for Further and Higher Qualifications
- Support for Reservists
- Time Off In Lieu Policy
- Transgender Policy
Information Services Policies
Academic & Administrative Support
LGBTQIA+ Support
LGBT Helpline Scotland
Information and emotional support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their families, friends and supporters across Scotland.
Open every Tuesday and Wednesday between 12-9 pm.
Call: 0300 123 2523
Stonewall Scotland
Stonewall Scotland works to achieve equality and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
Trans and Gender Diversity Policy
Read our Trans and Gender Diversity Policy and Procedure.
LGBT Youth Scotland
LGBT Youth Scotland is Scotland’s largest youth and community-based lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) organisation. It provides a range of advice, information and support.
Phone: 0141 552 7425
Email: info@lgbtyouth.org.uk
Location: 3/2, 30 Bell Street, Glasgow, G1 1LG
BSL Plan
Find out more about our BSL Plan, which outlines our commitment to making sure our information and services are accessible to BSL Users: